Frontend Development

Frontend Development

This course focuses on web frontend development, programming and markup languages such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap3 and Angular. Participants will gain detailed knowledge to create responsive interfaces for websites and web apps.

About the course

The frontend is the part of a software system that handles interaction with the user or with external systems that produce input data. So web frontend development includes the creation of multiple types of interfaces, ranging from websites to web apps through which content can be exposed and information processed. This activity requires knowledge of different languages programming and markup languages, which it is important to be able to master. to make the interaction between the user and the system.

The course aims to give a detailed knowledge of programming and markup languages, even to participants entering this activity for the first time, so as to enable development of responsive interfaces, a key factor to date.

In particular, the main modules will cover HTML5, CSS3, Java- Script, jQuery, Bootstrap3 as well as the implementation of Web Apps with Angular 4 in TypeScript.

Course Length: 160 hrs

Prerequisites: Basic coding knowledge

Frontend Development card image

What you'll learn:

  • Mastering HTML5 for structuring web content
  • Applying CSS3 for styling and layout design
  • Implementing JavaScript and jQuery for interactive elements
  • Utilizing Bootstrap3 for responsive web design
  • Acquiring knowledge on the importance of responsive interfaces

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Unleash your potential and craft immersive user experiences!

Unleash your potential and craft immersive user experiences!

Join our comprehensive frontend development course and unlock the power to create captivating user experiences and seamless interactions with software systems.

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Frontend Development course program:


  • What is Html
  • How Is It Composed?
  • Html Tags
  • Writing On Html Document
  • What's New In Html5
  • Html5 Page Declaration
  • Html5 Syntax
  • Attributes
  • Deprecated Elements And Tags
  • Charset Declaration
  • New Elements
  • Geolocation
  • Drag&Drop
  • Giving Structure to Pages


  • What is CSS
  • Using CSS
  • Css Syntax And Properties
  • Combining Html And Css: The Box Model
  • What's New In Css3
  • Selectors
  • Edges
  • Backgrounds
  • Transformations
  • Animations


  • What is Bootstrap
  • Implementation


  • Using Javascript
  • Scripting In Web Pages
  • Jquery Basics
  • Implementing Jquery
  • Selectors
  • Hierarchical Selectors
  • Page Manipulation
  • Attributes
  • New Elements
  • Append And Prepend
  • Clone
  • Remove E Replacewith
  • Classes E Css
  • Events
  • Ajax
  • Alternative A Ajax()


  • The Application Shell
  • Architecture
  • Template & Data Binding
  • Forms
  • Bootstrapping
  • Ngmodules
  • The Dependency Injection Pattern
  • Httpclient
  • Routing & Navigation
  • Cheat Sheet

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